Published on: January, 6, 2014 @ 9:15 p.m. ET

Horse wearing eye blinders

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Race horses wear eye blinders to remain focused on what is ahead, maintain concentration and reduce the chances of getting startled and making a run for it.   Even if your eyes aren’t on the side of your head, donning a figurative pair blinders could be key to maintaining a creative spirit that spurs action. How many times have you had an idea, but were distracted by what your industry peers were saying or doing?  Or, perhaps you were about to launch a new product, but ended up distracted when your dad sent you an article about someone who launched a similar product? Worse yet—maybe you’ve bought into negative self-talk about all the reasons why your idea won’t work.  Some would argue that proceeding with caution is advisable, but much more can be learned from executing your ideas.  To illustrate, in this interview on, top photographers shared what advice they’d give their younger selves.

What keeps you going when you encounter ‘neigh-sayers?” (Pun intended).

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